University Communication - Press and Public Relations

Services for media representatives

The press and public relations department is in close contact with numerous journalists and editorial offices. Here you will receive recommendations on experts as well as on the courses offered and research topics of the University of Wuppertal. The team offers content-related and planning support for desired interviews, filming dates and location scouting. You can also use the Universitys` image database and stay up to date as a subscriber to our media distribution list .

The most important topics at a glance

You are a journalist and would like to be added to our press distribution list? Simply send us an e-mail at presse[at] with your contact details and the medium you work for.

Please note that we store your contact data in our distribution list. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

You can film on the grounds of the University of Wuppertal without authorisation. However, we ask that you briefly inform us about this. Please take care not to film or photograph any persons without their consent.

You require a filming permit for video or film recordings on university premises. Please address your filming request to the Press Office. The following information is required: Where would you like to film, when (date and time) and for how long? What is it about and in which medium should the recordings be published and when? In addition, we need a contact person (including contact details) for further inquiries.

Please note that filming requests often have to be coordinated with the relevant departments. So please contact the press office as early as possible.

Are you a journalist looking for an interviewee? Or are you working on a topic for which you need background information or a scientific commentary?

Our professors are available to you as contact persons for more than 100 topics, please contact us! We are looking forward to your call at 0202/439-3047 or send us an e-mail to presse[at]

The most important figures and data (including statistics on students, employees and third-party funding) about the University can be found here.

Statistics from previous years can also be found in our annual Rectorate Reports.