University Communication - Press and Public Relations

Our services for university members

Take advantage of the media know-how of our press and public relations department: together with you, we will put your innovation, your research project, your award or your conference in the right light. Would you like to know how we can support you with your public relations work in a way that is tailored to your target group? Here you will find the answers to numerous questions, contact persons and tips and tricks for media-effective public relations.


Successful media relations is always a question of the topic, the right time and the right approach. Thanks to our many years of experience and daily contact with the media, we can provide you with comprehensive advice on whether, when and how your issue is suitable for publication as media information and which media are suitable.

Please let us know your request as early as possible(contact persons and their contact details). In order to provide you with the best possible advice and support on publication options, the Press and Public Relations team relies on your preparatory work and the most specific information possible(tips on writing a template for a press release).

Two weeks prior to the event are necessary to ensure that event announcements reach the media and the public in good time. We should then also have all the necessary information in digital form. This also applies to important awards or the start of funding.

In order to increase the likelihood of publication, the press and public relations team selects those topics received that - based on experience - are suitable for external media. This also applies to the editing and post-processing of your information or submitted text suggestions: In order to ensure consistent quality of media information, it must be generally understandable, formulated in a newsworthy manner and factually correct, including consistently used professor and doctoral titles, faculty and subject names as well as teaching and research areas.

With us to the right recipient. Press and public relations work uses different distribution lists - depending on the target group and the scope of the event or information. Traditional recipients are mainly daily regional and local newspaper, radio and television editorial offices. Where appropriate, the trade press and national media are also included.

A close exchange with the press and public relations department has many advantages: Please also inform our team about media inquiries or reports that have come about as a result of your personal contacts. This will enable us to respond more quickly to further media inquiries on the subject and at the same time expand the University of Wuppertal's media network. Very important: Please also inform us immediately of any misunderstandings or difficulties with media representatives!

The extensive press and public relations distribution list contains numerous editorial addresses and contact persons. These include local and regional daily newspapers - such as Westdeutsche Zeitung, Solinger Tageblatt and Remscheider Generalanzeiger - as well as the television and radio channels of Westdeutscher Rundfunk and local radio stations. The distribution list also includes numerous science journalists.

The Press and Public Relations department also publishes nationally relevant reports in the Science Information Service (idw): a news portal for the latest news from science and research. The idw sends news and events from its approximately 1,000 member institutions to over 40,000 subscribers - including journalists, scientists and business representatives in particular.

Media work independently. There is neither a print or broadcast guarantee for media information, nor a patent recipe for its formal and linguistic design. After all, it is part of the everyday work and self-image of journalists to select and process incoming media information in accordance with their readers and editorial guidelines.

Two main target groups are relevant for press and public relations work: university members via "internal" university media, such as the news page, CampusApp and social media channels. In order to reach the external, general public, the team has numerous contacts with journalists and editorial offices.

The choice of channels and recipients depends on your particular topic and your wishes; the Press and Public Relations department will be happy to advise and support you. Please contact us as early as possible.

A picture is worth a thousand words, which is why convincing, professional reporting always relies on high-quality photos. As the University of Wuppertal does not have its own photographers, the Press and Public Relations team either takes photos itself or commissions external photographers. Priority is given to press-relevant events and their prominent participants.

No more than two photos are normally required for media coverage, which means that photographers, like press photographers, are only present at events for a limited period of time - usually at the beginning or end.

If you would like to document events comprehensively in photographs, we will be happy to recommend photographers that you can commission for your purposes.

If you are photographing an event yourself and making the photos available to the press and public relations department for further use, please note the following:

In Germany, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the right to one's own image protect photographers and those depicted from photo misuse; violations are severely punished. If people are photographed, a declaration of consent is therefore always required from those depicted. The Press and Public Relations team will be happy to provide the form for this.

The University of Wuppertal can only publish photos taken by external photographers if the author has given his/her written consent. Please clarify usage rights before the event. This also applies to portrait photos.

Declaration of consent for the use of image and/or sound material

Please use the central events calendar of the University of Wuppertal. All dates entered there are displayed centrally on the homepage of the university website. All university members can register with their ZIM login and enter dates.

Click here for the calendar of events

If you would like your event/announcement to appear on the university displays, please send all the necessary information in digital form (e.g. flyers, posters, invitation cards, etc.) to displayredaktion[at]